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Cleanfire® ThruPortₑ™ Burner

Solusi untuk regenerator penuaan dalam industri kaca

Air Products Cleanfire ® ThruPort ₑ™ burner, salah satu pengembangan terbaru Air Products untuk industri kaca, memungkinkan pemasangan teknologi pembakaran oxy-fuel secara langsung melalui port tungku regeneratif bahan bakar udara yang ada. Burner oxy-fuel berpendingin air dan bertingkat oksigen ini ideal untuk memulihkan produksi penuh pada tungku yang lumpuh karena regenerator yang rusak, dan paling sering digunakan baik untuk sementara waktu selama perbaikan regenerator, atau untuk memperpanjang masa pakai tungku menjelang akhir kampanye.

Personel operasi utama Anda dapat memiliki akses instan ke parameter operasi burner terbaru di ruang kontrol atau komputer jarak jauh dan perangkat pintar Anda melalui Air Products Process Intelligence, yang menggunakan sensor diagnostik on-burner canggih dan komunikasi nirkabel teknologi untuk memantau dan mengontrol gas dan peralatan kami serta melacak parameter proses utama.

Untuk membantu Anda memahami apakah burner ini cocok untuk kebutuhan Anda, kami dapat menjalankan demonstrasi di lab Advanced Clean Energy skala pilot kami.

Unduh lembar data Cleanfire® ThruPortₑ™ Burner

To avoid downtime during regenerator repairs or extend the life of an aging furnace, our ThruPortₑ burner can be easily installed through your existing furnace port to efficiently add heat and help maintain your desired production level—while delivering high efficiency and low NOₓ emissions. To do this, the burner takes advantage of several unique features:

  • Tandem, water-cooled oxy-fuel burner and oxygen staging lance assembly
  • Natural gas and oil-fired versions, with firing capacity in the range of 4–20 MMBTU/hr
  • Proven, durable design—easily installed in existing port, while furnace is running
  • Adjustable flame length and angle for optimal heat distribution and surface coverage
  • Optional state-of-the-art on-burner diagnostic sensors and wireless communications technology—providing instantaneous remote access to up to-date burner operating parameters
  • Available for rapid deployment

Cleanfire® ThruPortₑ™ burner operating modes

Cleanfire® ThruPortₑ™ Burner

This burner offers glass manufacturers a rapid solution for restoring aging furnaces to full production.


The Advanced Clean Energy Laboratory is our newest demonstration facility, capable of facilitating development and full-scale testing of combustion systems using actual customer fuels. Plus a remote video imaging systems enables real-time participation in testing via the Internet.

Undergoing regenerator repairs? Difficulty maintaining full production in an aging furnace?

Let our application engineers help you understand if the Cleanfire® ThruPortₑ™ burner is a good fit for your needs.

Contact Us Today!

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