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Cleanfire® HRᵢ™ Burner

Pembakar oxy-fuel dengan api datar dan radiasi tinggi yang efisien

The Cleanfire ® HR™ burner adalah teknologi terdepan di industri, dengan api datar radiasi tinggi yang sangat efisien, untuk industri kaca dan frit. Ini menggunakan momentum rendah, desain api rasio aspek tinggi untuk memaksimalkan radiasi yang dikirim ke kaca. Teknologi staging eksklusif memungkinkan pembentukan api yang tepat, meminimalkan emisi, mengurangi perawatan, dan menghasilkan biaya yang lebih rendah untuk setiap ton kaca yang meleleh. Untuk membantu Anda memahami apakah burner ini cocok untuk kebutuhan Anda, kami dapat menjalankan demonstrasi di lab Advanced Clean Energy skala pilot kami.

The Cleanfire® HRᵢ™ Burner… Lower Cost per Ton of Glass Produced

  • Low-momentum, high-aspect-ratio flame for maximum radiation
  • Exact flame shaping to minimize emissions and reduce maintenance
  • Higher per burner turn-down capability and lower fluid inlet pressure requirements
  • Can be used with gas and oil
  • Is able to be used as a boost burner for air-fuel operations as well as for full conversion to oxy-fuel
  • Available in sizes ranging from 0.25-20+ MMBTU/hr

Effective Flame Characteristics

Low momentum, high aspect ratio flame

Flexible Operation

Low inlet pressure requirements, high turndown capability, and independent flame length adjustments

Less Environmental Impact

Reduced NOₓ emissions

Low Maintenance

Nozzle design that prevents carbon build-up and reduces the frequency of maintenance

Advanced Clean Energy Laboratory—virtual Demonstrations to Global Locations

The Advanced Clean Energy Laboratory is our newest demonstration facility, capable of facilitating development and full-scale testing of combustion systems using actual customer fuels. Plus a remote video imaging system enables real-time participation in testing via the Internet.

Looking to lower your cost per ton of glass produced?

Let us share the industry-leading features and benefits of the HRᵢ™ burner and how it can benefit your operation.

Contact Us Today!