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Carbon Fiber Manufacturing

Expert solutions to help you succeed

For carbon fiber manufacturing, the use of nitrogen or argon to provide an inert atmosphere is often critical to the manufacturing process. A thorough understanding of the overall operational requirements allows a nitrogen supply system to be properly sized to provide reliability in meeting production schedules and product quality, while also ensuring safety in the use of industrial gases. Our applications engineers can work with you to understand your manufacturing process and recommend improvements that can help you optimize gas use and improve product quality.

Carbon Fiber Expertise and Solutions

Applying innovation and expertise to solve our customers’ problems is our core strength

Improved quality of carbon fiber

Air Products’ Atmosphere Solutions provide an excellent means to improve the quality of carbon fiber materials

Atmosphere Trouble-shooting

Experienced applications experts can identify and resolve furnace atmosphere issues

Improved and consistent atmosphere

Our pure nitrogen and argon atmospheres provide the highest atmosphere quality for carbon fiber manufacturing

Superior quality and control

Our nitrogen and argon-based atmospheres protect carbon fiber

Industrial Gases from a Global Leader

  • Global leading manufacturer of nitrogen, oxygen, and argon
  • World leading producer and supplier of hydrogen and helium
  • Reliable supply of industrial gases
  • Excellent record of meeting on-time needs
  • Industry leader in safety
  • Technical support when you need it
  • World-class customer service

Get in touch with one of our technical experts.

Contact us to put decades of experience with industrial gases, production, applications and equipment to work for you.


Ask the Expert

Don Bowe

Applications Engineer

“I’m experiencing intermittent oxidation in my furnace. Could leaks in the nitrogen houseline be the problem?”
Yes, leaks in any pressurized high-purity gas line can cause intermittent oxidation. There are several possible causes. One is through retrodiffusion—the movement of impurities from the surrounding air to a high-pressure, low-impurity gas houseline. This is driven by concentration gradients, not pressure gradients, and is aggravated by changes in flow rate, pressure or piping temperature. 
Air Products industry specialists can help you determine the cause of your problem. Since the oxidation is intermittent, you’ll need to continuously monitor your nitrogen houseline for leaks with a trace oxygen analyzer. For combustible gas lines, a combustible gas sniffer can also be used. Once impurities are found, the source of the leak can be identified using various techniques, including soap bubble testing, static pressure testing or helium mass spectrometry. Leaks often occur in weld cracks, mechanical joints, valve packing and loose fittings.

Industrial Gas Audits and Leak Detection Services

Audits and leak detection services can be comprehensive assessments of the entire gas supply system, or specific to gas or process equipment that use the gas.
Additional Services

On-site Gas Generation

Supply options for nitrogen generators include cryogenic, adsorption, and membrane technologies. These offerings allow us to meet all typical flow, pressure, and purity requirements where on-site nitrogen gas generation is the best supply mode.
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